Listen while you work, and when you hear the MAGIC MONEY SONG OF THE DAY, be caller 92 to (619) 570-1925 to win $500 in cash!
What is the MAGIC MONEY Song of the Day?
Jagger and Kristi announce each day’s song every morning, at 7AM, 8AM and 9AM.
Listen while you work from 9AM to 5PM on weekdays and win! Only from Magic 92.5!
** Must be over 18 and a resident of San Diego County to win. Click HERE for complete contest rules.
Magic Money Winners

Carlos Perez
Chula Vista
Won 1/16/18
“I plan on paying off my bills!”

Richard Contreras
San Ysidro
Won 1/17/18
“I plan to buy some school books and take my lady to have a great dinner!”

Evelin Maldonado
Chula Vista
Won 1/19/18
“I am going on a mini vacation with my husband to Guadalajara, and with the money I won we will be drinking lots of Tequila!”

Rebecca Wade
San Diego
Won 1/22/18
“I am going to use the money for food, to pay bills & have a little fun.”

Steven Shipler
San Diego
Won 1/23/18
“I’ll be using the money for little league sign-ups and monster jam tickets for my son”

Ruben Rocio
Won 1/24/18
“I’ll be using the money to catch up on some utility bills, and I’d love to take my wife and 3 year old son to Disneyland for his first time (and my first time as well).”

Lorena Duran
San Diego
Won 1/29/18
“I will be using that money for my next trip to Oaxaca Mexico!”